
Nuovo palcoscenico di soluzioni innovative (en)A new stage for showcasing innovative solutions

Theatro è uno spazio espositivo dedicato all’involucro edilizio, nato da una intuizione di Thema e Schüco Italia, che hanno percepito la necessità – e l’opportunità – di presentare le loro soluzioni in modo rivoluzionario rispetto al mercato (en)Theatro is an exhibition space focusing on building shells drawing on an idea devised by Thema and Schüco that realised the need - and opportunity - to showcase their work in a revolutionary way compared to the conventional market.

Progetto (en)Project

L22 Urban & Building, FUD Factory

Cliente (en)Client

Thema e Schüco Italia

Servizi L22 Urban&Building (en)L22 Urban&Building services

Architettura d’interni, landscape design (en)Interior architecture, landscape design

Luogo (en)Location

Verano Brianza (MB)


1580 mq (en)1580 smq

Fine lavori (en)End of works


Uno spazio industriale, dall'architettura rigorosa e concreta

Palco, platea, scenografia, foyer. Simboli e miti teatrali si reinventano. Lo spettacolo cambia. Qui è il prodotto e l’azienda a salire sul palcoscenico mettendosi in mostra in maniera inedita e familiare al tempo stesso. Lo stile e le logiche stilistiche e compositive di un teatro sono utilizzate da L22 per l’architettura e da FUD per il concept e l’immagine in modo chiaro e sorprendente.

Dal punto di vista progettuale la volontà principale è stata quella di mantenere estetica e sapore dello spazio industriale attraverso un’architettura rigorosa e concreta. Lo spazio, molto rifinito a livello di dettagli, vive di colori neutri tendenti allo scuro per far emergere progetti e prodotti in mostra. I materiali scelti sono perfettamente coerenti al concept, così come le loro texture.

Una dimensione armonica ispirata alla versatilità, uno spazio liquido, sempre nuovo, trasformabile


L22 has developed something harmonious inspired by the idea of versatility to create a smoothly flowing space that is constantly changing and changeable

Stage, stalls and foyer. The legendary features and symbols of theatre are being reinvented. A different kind of show is being put on. Here it is the products and companies that take centre stage, showing themselves off in a simultaneously brand-new yet familiar way. The style and basic stylistic/design features of a theatre have been developed by L22 (as regards the architecture) and FUD (for the concept and image) in a very clear yet surprisingly way put on. L22, Lombardini22 Group’s architectural and engineering brand, has devised Theatro’s architectural concept, spatial layout and furnishing.

The metaphor of theatre is evident right from the entrance. The hall is essentially a foyer, an informal welcome area that L22 has connected to the auditorium by means of an XLam cross laminated timber staircase. The wooden steps lead through to the coffee bar-lounge. It is interaction between different materials that creates a visual sense of spatial continuity in both this first area and the larger exhibition space, Theatro proper. For example, grey-coloured wood has been used for the stalls, the bar counter and the wall behind the piece of furniture incorporating the coffee-maker. This first section is enclosed behind frosted glass panels with carefully spaced metal placed beams between them right across the walls to create a ‘cathedral’ effect: imposing and, at the same time, welcoming. 

A large triple-height space that can be adapted to various configurations due to its flexibility