METRO Village
Verso una comunità aziendale più agile e flessibile (en) Towards a more agile and flexible business community

Progetto (en) Project
Cliente (en) Client
Luogo (en) Location
Fine Lavori (en) End of works
Servizi (en) Services
Il progetto del nuovo headquarter di METRO a San Donato punta sulla qualità del lavoro, attribuendo nuovo valore allo spazio ufficio, concependolo come luogo di benessere e collaborazione.
L22 PM, business unit del Gruppo Lombardini22 si è occupata sin dalle fasi preliminari alla pianificazione, al coordinamento e alla gestione delle attività che hanno reso esecutivo il progetto, con un approccio integrato, focalizzandosi sulla direzione dei lavori impiantistici, sul cost controlling e sul project management dell’intervento.
Valorizzata dalla stretta collaborazione con il cliente e degli streams interni alla organizzazione, l’attenta gestione della comunicazione e delle interazioni tra gli stakeholder delle varie fasi di progetto, ha permesso il raggiungimento degli obiettivi stabiliti, rispettando i vincoli di tempo(nessuno giorno di ritardo sulla consegna), costi (budget modificato al ribasso in più riprese durante l’esecuzione) e qualità attesa.
Dietro la pianificazione e la gestione dei vincoli di un progetto, oltre l’analisi e il monitoraggio dei rischi ai quali il progetto è esposto, ci deve essere sempre una componente di competenze ed impegno che fanno la differenza sul successo dell’operazione. Sulle attività di realizzazione del METRO Village abbiamo guidato le interazioni interdipartimentali di una comunità aziendale tradizionalista che in tempi brevi ha dovuto deviare le proprie procedure interne da schemi predefiniti verso un modello più agile e flessibile.
L22 PM ha inoltre concentrato numerosi approfondimenti sul sistema di interazione tra gli impianti esistenti e quelli inseriti nei nuovi spazi, garantendo la possibilità di gestirli attraverso un’unica interfaccia (Building Management System). I lavori sono stati condotti senza interruzioni per lo store esistente al pian terreno, precedentemente configurato come un unico spazio con le aree al piano superiore, destinate oggi ad ospitare gli uffici egli spazi di coworking d’avanguardia.
How can offices be transformed from just spaces into places where staff can work together and interact?
That was the assumption underscoring DEGW’s project for the new METRO headquarters in San Donato Milanese in the capital of Lombardy. A particularly challenging project since it was commissioned by the client and designed by the Lombardini22 brand specialising in workplaces at the beginning of March 2020, just when the pandemic broke out. This meant that design features had to cater for emerging needs and focus on the quality of work and interactions in office spaces.
The METRO brand, which has been operating in Italy since 1972 and now employing 4100 staff at 49 sales outlets around the country as well as two storage facilities for its Food Service Distribution channel, decided to move its main headquarters just a very short distance to exploit the area above the San Donato Milanese sales outlet. This approximately 4000 m² space was previously arranged into two small offices with part of the department store open to the public.
The project was based around the building’s structural constraints: a large platform set across one single level with very inflowing light or windows and not much in terms of open fronts. So DEGW decided to incorporate 6 windows facing towards the River Lambro and 35 new skylights in addition to the 24 already existing. A metal intrados was added to the windows in the brand’s distinctive yellow colour.
Interior design and space planning
The space that has been totally revamped by DEGW and is now technologically connected. It is also flooded with abundant light and natural air and accommodates over 400 people, 50% actually present and 50% remotely connected, who can pick their own workstation or meeting room thanks to a bespoke booking system.
The layout is designed to meet the needs and distinctive traits of the various company departments and the people working in them.
Each area is designed to adapt to work goals/targets and features a combination of formal and informal spaces geared to comfort, dynamism and creativity according to individual professional needs. The stations in the open-plan work space benefit from natural light coming through new skylights designed by DEGW while the building was being redeveloped.
The space is arranged in an extensive mix of ancillary areas with the project focusing on individual needs.
Examples of the project’s flexibility are the touchdown workstations, one-to-one stations, three different sized meeting rooms (accommodating from 4-5 to 12 people) and the break area with a balcony with glass windows facing south.
The main ancillary areas are located in the negotiation area mainly devoted to meetings with outside suppliers and also including little rooms for smaller meetings.
The reception space for welcoming guests, clients and staff is emblematic of the spirit characterising the entire design process. This multipurpose space has many of the features characterising the entire project. The reception area has green info points with plants set in custom-designed drip-proof trays coordinated with the custom-designed MDF furniture. It also has: a multi-purpose area mainly used as a refreshment space that can be set out as required; a wooden staircase for informal meetings and events; a bar serving staff and guests; and a small green area. The latter is one of a number set all around the offices. These are ‘unplugged’ green areas designed for relaxing with sun umbrellas, informal seats, outdoor lights and carpets that look like green fields.
The project took into account certain key features the future usage and maintenance of the offices; this flexible space is easily reconfigurable and scalable to accommodate changes and additions or adapt to cater for more people in future.
Right from the start L22 PM’s project team took care of the planning, coordination and management of operations to implement the project based on an integrated approach focused on managing the plant=engineering work and project management.
Enhanced by a close working partnership with the client and other companies involved in the project pool, the careful management of communication and interaction between stakeholders during the various stages of the project enabled the set targets to be reached, meeting deadlines while ensuring the expected quality of work.
Alessandro Adamo, Director of DEGW and a partner at Lombardini22, talked about challenge of “a special project that began in March 2020 right in the middle of a turning point in terms of the parameters of workplace design. A challenge which, thanks to our approach and the involvement of METRO, allowed us to provide the first concrete solutions to emerging needs. We helped METRO staff create these spaces by listening very carefully and providing the expertise we have gained during over 30 years working along this new path for all of us as we (re)discover the grounding value of office space. The design drivers may be summed up as comfort, well-being, technology, socialising and a sense of belonging: this will be METRO’s new workplace.
“This is a real change in perspective, so Vanessa Catania stated, the Director of Human Resources at METRO Italia, “the office will be a place for sharing professional experience, exchanging ideas and projects resulting from people working together in synergy. That is why the office spaces must facilitate this approach, they must welcome staff and the practical, they must convey the true sense of our company and, at the same time, make our colleagues’ working day enjoyable”.